Critical Care |
In developed countries, modern
medicine has reached the stage where we can
sustain the life of babies who in the past might
not have survived a difficult birth. However
parents who have a very premature or very sick
baby may be faced with complex questions about
what the future holds. These babies may have
serious abnormalities or have problems because
of infection or complications at birth. Such
problems can lead to disability, particularly in
the case of very small babies who are born
prematurely. It is now known that the increasing
number of survivors is associated with an
greater incidence of neurodevelopmental
disabilities. |
Sections: Critical
Care: Introduction, Acute Respiratory Failure,
Mechanical Ventilation, Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome, Asthma (Life-Threatening),
Shock, Indications for Central Venous & Arterial
Cannulation, Brain Injury/Cerebral Edema,
Ethical Deliberation and End-of-Life Care in the
PICU, Nutritional Support of the Critically Ill
Child, Pain & Anxiety Control.
"Caring for critically ill children remains one
of the most demanding and challenging aspects of
the field of pediatrics. The care of patients
with life-threatening conditions, from serious
medical illness to traumatic injuries and
recovery from major surgery, requires a detailed
understanding of the physiology of the body and
the pathophysiology of major illnesses, as well
as an understanding of and experience with the
rapidly changing technologies available in a
modern intensive care unit (ICU). In addition,
the science of caring for the critically ill
patient has evolved rapidly over the last
decade, as the molecular mediators of illness
have become better defined and new therapies
have been devised based on those advances. As a
result, critical care is more than ever a
multidisciplinary field that requires a
team-oriented approach, including critical care
physicians and nursing staff, pharmacists,
referring physicians, consulting specialists,
and social services specialists...." |
Disclaimer - The
contents of this site are for informational purposes
only. Always seek the advice of a qualified
physician for any doubts. |
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