Allergy |
who get severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis Generally
get them from insect stings, some medication, and food.
More rarely, this severe reaction follows an allergy
injection, after vigorous exercise or during anesthesia.
Whatever the cause, the body launches an emergency state
of allergic reaction, flooding all systems with histamine
and other chemicals. Capillaries and blood vessels expand
(which explains the sensation of flushing and the
dangerous drops in blood pressure, often described as
feeling faint or going into shock), the bronchial tubes
constrict (causing wheezing or difficulty in swallowing)
and sometimes the throat and mouth swell, a dangerous
symptom that can cause suffocation, coma and even death. |
Info::: |
The bodies defence mechanism works over time to
react against foreign particles which may pose
danger to normal functioning of the human system.
These foreign particles are known as Allergens.
People who are known to be allergic, respond to
harmless allergens in an exaggerated manner thus
resulting in irritations and discomfort to the
body.There are several types of allergies like: Hay
Fever, Asthma, Eczema, Hives, Contact Dermatitis
(Skin Reactions), Conjunctivitis (Red eye),
Sinusitis, Anaphylaxis (Life-Threatening Reaction). |
For this general concept of the changed capacity
for reaction, I propose the term "allergy". "Allo"
denotes the deviation from the original state,
from the behavior of the normal, as in 'allorhythmia",
- Clemens Peter Pirquet von
Cesenatico, 1906
Allergy Causes::: |
What are the causes of Allergy ? |
can act as an allergen if your system is sensitive
to it, but the most common allergens are pollen,
dust, dust mites, mold, mildew, cat and dog dander,
foods (such as peanuts, milk and shellfish), drugs
(such as penicillin and anesthetics) and certain
chemicals. |
Allergy Symptoms::: |
What are the symptoms of Allergy? |
cold that never seems to go away. A running nose,
congestion, or coughing that occurs pretty much
constantly and lasts for more than 10 days can point
to allergies.
have a pattern. Pollen allergies appear at the same
time every year. Pet allergies happen when you are
around a certain animal, or, in many cases, just
enter a building where the animal lives. Dust
allergies crop up when you clean house, shake out
rugs or enter a very dusty building.
or frequent coughing could indicate a serious
allergy or asthma.
up mucus that is grey, yellow, green, brown, or
bloody, or that is shaped like small strings or
eyes are persistently red and itchy. |
How can we diagnose Allergy ? |
Skin tests:
The allergist injects extracts from allergens (such
as dust mites, molds, or pollens commonly found in
your area) into your skin to see whether your body
has chemical substances to counteract the allergens
from previous exposure. If you are sensitive to an
allergen, a swollen rash will develop within 20
minutes after the test.
Blood tests:
To determine how many white and red blood cells are
there. Too many white cells might mean you have an
infection in your system. |
How can Allergy be treated ? |
In General, it's best to start
with small steps first -- avoiding allergens by
getting rid of old rugs, for instance, and bathing
the dog more often -- and then working your way up
to the stronger antidotes like Anti histamics or
Decongestants, that stop the allergic reaction.
Desensitization to the allergens that bother you by
taking a series of injections over a number of
years. However, they are often reserved for people
who have severe allergic symptoms (such as
life-threatening allergies to stinging insects) that
cannot be relieved by taking oral medications or
avoiding allergens. |
Disclaimer -
contents of this site are for informational purposes
only. Always seek the advice of a qualified
physician for any doubts. |
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